Master's Students

Alessia De Carlo, B.Sc.

Alessia is a Psychology Master’s Student, majoring in Clinical Psychology, and joined cBRAIN back in 2023 as a Research Assistant. She is part of the core-team of the ERC-funded NEUROPRECISE study. For her Master’s Thesis she is looking at possible connections between Cerebral Blood Flow post mTBI in children and adolescents and long-term cognitive & behavioural impairment.

Contact Alessia: [at] med.uni-muenchen [dot] de

Alissa Wenninger, B.Sc.

Alissa is a neuroscience master student at the Graduate School of Neuroscience (GSN). She graduated from LMU in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in biology.

Her research interests focus on the effects of mild traumatic brain injury on brain microstructure and cognitive changes in both acute and long-term cases, utilizing neuroimaging methods such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and fMRI. Additionally, she has experience in EEG monitoring of brain activity during anesthesia and sleep.

Contact Alissa: alissa.wenninger [at] med.uni-muenchen [dot] de